Ander Studio

Creative Direction · SURF

Iñigo Agote x Deflow
Fin Collaboration


Iñigo Agote x Deflow Fin Collaboration

Ander Lopez

Ander Lopez
Iñigo Agote

Ander lopez

Iñigo Agote is a professional photographer who has developed a unique water photography style, being the sunset light the key of his composition and colour processing.

He has been a part of the Deflow family for the last couple of years, for that reason, we decided to collaborate with him reflecting his talent into a limited edition fin.

For this reason we decided to create a fon inspired by the sunsets captured by Iñigo, getting this way his iconic photos.

Starting from deep blue (the ocean) we go all the way to a warm red and sunset yellow. Finally, the fin fades into translucent area where you can see-trough the fin.

We emulate sunset spectrum from Iñigo’s images and allow you to put the fin between the sunset and yourself to see how the light goes through and changes the colour of the fin.

Since the launch of he fin, this has been Deflow’s best seller twin-fin of 2020, best seller 2021 and 2022. After the success of the twin-fin, Deflow launched a single fin version in 2022.

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